"District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) is an open source, web-based health management information system (HMIS) platform. Today, DHIS2 is the world's largest HMIS platform, in use by over 60 low and middle-income countries. Approximately 2.4 billion people live in countries where DHIS2 is used. Including NGO-based programs, DHIS2 is in use in more than 100 countries. The core DHIS2 software development is managed by the Health Information Systems Program (HISP) at the University of Oslo (UiO). HISP is a global network comprised of 13 in-country and regional organizations, providing day-in, day-out direct support to ministries and local implementers of DHIS2.
We work on projects with global reach and scale, including:
Health information management systems with more than 60 ministries of health worldwide. DHIS2 is used to collect and analyze data for areas such as service utilization, family planning and immunization.
Disease surveillance and monitoring in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). DHIS2 is used to notify the right people about possible disease outbreaks so that action can be taken in time.
COVID-19 port-of-entry, case registry and contact tracing in more than 30 countries world-wide.
HIV/AIDS control in collaboration with PEPFAR, the largest initiative ever for combating a single disease. DHIS2 is used to collect data and provide analytics and insights into how funding can be spent most effectively.
Program monitoring and evaluation with NGOs such as Medecins Sans Frontieres, Save the Children, and PSI. DHIS2 is used to analyze the impact of programs, improve planning and guide resource utilization."
Booth Representatives:
John Lewis
E: johnlewis@hispvietnam.org
Jorn Braa
E: jornbraa@gmail.com
Shurajit Dutta
E: shurajit@dhis2.org
Website: https://www.dhis2.org/